Books [Trygve Reenskaug, P. Wold, O.A. Lehne] Working With Objects - The OOram Software Engineering Method



The main theme of this book is to describe complex phenomena as structures of interacting objects. The goal is to provide a comprehensive description of the object paradigm and its applications, and to show how it supports a number of different views on the same model.

The object-oriented methodology OOram is new and different from all others on the market, and has been in use and development in Norway for over 12 years. This book is the authoritative account of the OOram methodology for software analysis, design, development, maintenance, and reuse.

About the Authors
  • Trygve Reenskaug is a Norwegian computer scientist and professor emeritus of the University of Oslo. He formulated the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern for graphical user interface (GUI) software design in 1979 while visiting the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).


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