Books [Michael Hansen, Hans Rischel] Introduction to Programming using SML (International Computer Science Series)



Introduction to Programming using SML provides a thorough introduction to the principles of programming and program design using the Standard ML programming language. The emphasis throughout is to p of programming into practice. The examples and exercises teach the student how to apply basic theoretical concepts to produce succinct and elegant programs and program designs. Coverage includes an introduction to fundamental data structures and their applications. The notions of binding, environment, store, closure and evaluation are introduced in order to explain the meaning of programs in an informal but precise way. Thus, the authors provide the reader with a set of durable programming concepts which will exist well into the next generation of programming languages. Features of the book include: Attractive and reader-friendly presentation Clear and careful explanations A rich collection of programming problems and a wide variety of examples Coverage of modelling and abstraction using data structures and the SML module system Overview and statement of objectives at the start of each chapter An introduction to producing technical documentation based on the SML module system Extensive material in the appendices covering the SML language and

module system and selected parts of the SML basis library Accompanying Web Site supporting the book, containing all the program code, further teaching material and links to SML systems and other useful resources



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